Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Dolly Update and MORE!

On the front page I updated my Dolly list! So you will see there are some new additions to the list and some changes coming. Had some hard time trying to figure out what to do with my Ivan, but I figured out what I am going to do with him. :) Since i can't actually make the story I want to happen in the growing story I am in, I plan on making my own sort of branch and creative venue with my dolls and their stories as well. I was originally going to have him be Mateem, but after trying to see what he was and playing with him more and more, he was elusive, evil almost, and possessive. Something that didn't fit one of many of Mateems personalitys. I should know... Mateem is crazy and a shape shifter and allllll over the place. So I had to scratch that. Finally he (DZ Ivan) communicated to me what he was.

My Ivan is going to become a banshee, like Lucca, but hes going to be the prince that was meant to marry her, but never will because she belongs with someone else! >:) That someone else... I will leave you all to interpret. Im going to be taking photos and getting back into the swing of doing my photostories again. I miss doing them and im sure my new dollies want to be spammed a bit around still.


Its funny how the universe works. My girlfriend turned out to be a dolly fanatic! Granted she plays with barbies, sews the clothes for them, does photos and stories like all other doll owners do, but really that’s all what we do as BJD owners. I have seen some other doll owners do the same thing. Its just so thrilling to have someone who will be there and understands DOLLS, Period! I have introduced her slowly to the ball jointed dolls and the infamous words “I will probably only ever buy one” came out of her mouth. AHAHAHAHAHA XD

I told her that will be short lived, and what I and mannnnny others have said before, but always ended up being the famous last words. As my friend Penny calls them, “Potatoe Chips”. Damn straight. It’s a tricky thing to avoid the lure of sexy and cute!! She hasn’t seen them in person, only in pictures. I’m sure once she sees them up close, play with them, and just get a feel for them, she will either decide yes or no to the ball jointed dolls.

Although since I am an all round doll lover in general….I’ve been looking at barbies… Yessss I have been sticking my nose into Barbie ville. Im avoiding them at the moment… I was looking at some cute ones, and had to RESIST temptation. I want to either save up for a fashion BJD. Not sure what kind, but I had a Domuya before…. And the heads… the faces… and the floppy ness… just didn’t work for me. And I rarely played with my Domuya, even with the fantastic flexy body and realistic posing they had. Haute Doll for the September/October issue had a feature article on the bodies and I kept finding myself wondering if I should of kept her or not. I loved my light tan Saisha… but I just didn’t play with her, and she was a pain in the ass to dress. :/ Gah Im having second thoughts and wondering if I should order her again someday… I have my heart set on a Sybarite. I know I know… some people call them transgendered crossdressers… but come on… I REALLLLLY like them still and they are fashion dolls. I’ve been wanting one for a while. Only problem is… I don’t know how to do fashion face ups very well on vinyl like dolls. That’s something I am still in the process of learning. IM still attached to my resin friends!

There is a dream doll… A Doll I want sooooo badly still. It’s a Dollmore Piece of winter, and shes limited to 10 in the damned world. I just checked in on her and shes still available. Its killing me cause I know shes getting down there in availability. I don’t have enough for her right now, especially since in the past three weeks I have bought TWO dolls. Yes.. It was my birthday… I splurged. BITE ME. I bought a B&G Aurora, and just on the 17th I got my second birthday present a Leeke Msd Lana. But yet im looking at cute ass Piece of Winter and im pining over her soooooooo badly. Shes gorgeous and shes been on my mind and heart ever since they came out with her. Shes got this gothic edge, but a sweetness to her and she is obviously a fashion doll.

I might sell Lucious. I KNOW THE BANE OF MY FAMILY HAS WRITHED. I love my bird man Luci… but… hes awkward now. I don’t really want to get his twin brother… I don’t want to get his partner, and well I have sort of given up on that story completely. Im going a different route. Valsera is a definite keeper. My mom bought her for me and shes very special. Sentimental value behind her,. Gabriel on the other hand… Eh… Not so sure about him anymore either. I was going to keep him since Alex was doing a story behind her DZ Yuu and her DZ Linlan, but now that she wants to sell them and have a troupe of Feilians, I am still planning to sell Gabiriel. Same with Joseph or as I have aptly named him “no name”. Arthurs wonderous floating head of doom may need a character change here too. Might sell Jacobs head without body and just give Arthur his body instead…. But im not sure. I have to reallllllly think about this. But That Piece of Winter is still… calling my name. Shes gorgeous… Im under the must make vampire lure. Gah everyone and their mother is doing vamps… but come on… Im taking a Vampire the masquerade approach to it. Something a bit different and with my own twists. And NOOOO Twilight has NOT made me WANT to DO vampires. I thought I would throw that out JUST INCASE.

Its time for me to put my ass to bed. Im like…. Sleepy as hell… and im groggy from the dust that has been floating around me lately. Been waking up sick too. Bleh. -_- At least I cleaned! I gotta! Girlfriend, I HOPE, will be arriving this week or next week. Shit is just all over the place right now for her and her mother, whom she takes care of, is paranoid about being alone. I think part of it is her too not wanting to leave her alone either. I don’t blame her. I have the same things sometimes with GMA.

OH! I forgot to mention… Im on… well Celexa. Its for social anxiety and depression. Its working wonders! I can actually sleep on this crap! And socially I have been getting back into swing with things. SLOWLY but surely I will be myself again. I mean I have always been myself, but there has been that missing element of me and my socializing. This shit is better than prozac. On Procrap I had no way of sleeping at night, I was restless, and I still had panic attacks. Granted yes I get lows still on celexa, but I am able to balance out my thought process with it better and calm down. Its been all over the place today tho. A lot of stuff on my mind. Its why I cleaned… kept my mind at ease and kept me from thinking about it. GAH im rambling and I do this when im TIRED LOLL. Night everyone… er… morning? :O