Monday, January 31, 2011

The Journey Begins

Rotting wood, dead rats decaying in the shadows, and above all the wood and coal burning allowing the steam engines to function was all to be smelt in the basement hull. It was a ship Lucca snuck into to escape her homeland. There was much to be desired traveling on such a luxurious ship to look like an abandoned hole in its lower levels. Did it matter? Considering she was a stowaway not in the least!

Escaping Rerdanthis, her floating ice island in the sky, was an adventure with in itself. Guards were patrolling the outside palace and all she could think of was freedom at her fingertips. She had to dodge into crevices and shadows until she reached the flying ship. There she took refuge inside by entering in through the cargo hold. She had to be extra careful as their were workers loading the hull with food, luggage, and a variety of other things.

It seemed like an eternity had passed waiting for the workers to load up the cargo and finally leave and close the hatch. Then it seemed like another million years just for the ship to begin its journey. Huddled in the corner with her bag of holding and pulling her cloak about her body she sighed. This was a lot of trouble just to get some freedom. The pros nulled out the cons however with her situation. It was be happy, or not be happy. She chose happiness. Granted it was at the expense of her family, but they never seemed to care about anyone but themselves. If she was to marry... she would marry for love. She didn't want to run a country either. She saw all the pain it caused her parents with keeping the populace happy, all the rules, all the treaties, all the damned busy work they had to deal with running a country. She didn't want it. She wanted to be a normal person. There was to be no more servants tending to her bathroom to bathe her, there was to be no more people dressing her, and above all, there was to be no one telling her what she can and can't do that was seen as "un-princess like"

Perhaps she was being a bit hypocritical in regards to her parents. They were selfish except when it came down to their family. There were so many rules and regulations that she had to abide by and being arranged into a marriage was beyond horrendous. She had always wanted to marry and fall in love; true love. It wasn't fair to her to have to endure a false love just for the sake of the people of Rerdanthis and her family. She was being beyond stubborn.

The water hissed as it moved through its intricacies, moving the parts and whirring mechanical gears twisting and turning making movement possible allowing the ship to fly. There didn't seem to be anyone feeding it coal. It just seemed to take it when it needed too, like it was enchanted somehow. Granted magic had to be at hand to allow this beastly cargo ship to move through the skies. How else would it know to take coal when it needed? As far as she was concerned she didn't care. She just wanted to get away and not be caught.

It was a seemingly smooth ride with the occasional bump or turbulence. She didn't know where she would end up. As if she knew she liked to dream of where the ship would dock. Maybe a warm beach with pirates or natives! Her mind wandered more conjuring various situations. It was like her mind turned into a pleasant story book! Any place was a start, on the other hand, thinking of the scenarios she would encounter made it all the more thrilling. She had money, her things within a bag of holding, and of course her self. What more was there to hope for but her freedom!

Amongst her pleasant daydreams a horrendous thunder clapped knocking her back into reality. Wide eyed she looked in horror trying to discern what it was. It erupted again. Frantic she went to stand up and discover the noise but with the thunder giving its third roar also shook the ship knocking her off balance midst midstep. Squeaking, Lucca fell against some of the cargo boxes. Throbbing pain enveloped her side and her upper thigh as she recovered. A hiss drowned out any noise she could of heard then suddenly it stopped. Nothing but silence for only a mere second, then life seemed to take its place once more. Those who were meant to be on that ship were moving about in the upper levels. They must of come to a stop.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Refuge: Luccas Decision

Amongst the chaos of her home and the grand ball and ceremony that was being planned, "running" was going to be hard to do. Guards were rampant and there was no way she can get in and out of areas without being addressed or noticed. She had to escape. She had to run away. Freedom was at her fingertips. She just needed more help then usual this time.

It was a typical day in her home despite the mayhem that had pursued. It was now that she wished she was never born. Her waist long blond hair billowed as she turned the corner. A maid had been stalking her down the hall constantly squeaking at her.

"Mi.. Miss... MISS. Miss Lucca! Miss!"

Lucca came to roaring halt and looked at her straight into her eyes. The maid jolted as she looked at her back, "Mi...Miss all I wanted was your coat your wearing. You didn't take it off when you came back in. Forgive me Mum..."

Lucca sighed softly. All for a coat? She slowly unbuttoned it and then let it slip from her form, catching it, then quietly handing it to the maid.

"T..Thank you mum." She replied and quickly ran the other direction.

Lucca stood there for a second before turning to walk once more, but her reflection caught he eye. She stared at herself. Her full head of blond hair, full bangs, a delicate tattoo on her forehead, usually hidden by her bangs, and the long banshee ears poking from underneath her hair. She had longer lashes then many of the other banshees in her hometown, even longer then her mothers. She was wearing a light pastel blue victorian gown embossed with silver motifs. Slowly she turned to her side to check her profile. Her bustle was still intact and the drapes of her gown carried to the floor. She realized the snow had melted slightly along her hems, but it was inevitable. Carefully she rubbed her corseted stomach and made her way down the hall once again.

Briskly she moved through the castle. As she turned another corner on her way to her sisters room there before her was her mother, her father, and another in dark armor. She pursed her lips recognizing the armor and its details. He was from the realm of dark banshees. There was only one reason why a dark banshee would show his face in the realm of the light banshees. This wasn't good. Her statuesque frame stood rigid in the hallway. Even when her mother noticed her and beckoned her to come forward for meeting this stranger she walked firm and tense.

"Lucca..." her mother sweetly smiled and spoke to her, "This is Ardus Denizen's father, Reamus. He is to be your father in law."

Lucca coldly curtseyed to Reamus and her pupiless blue eyes remained just as cold despite the cool demeanor it held from light hitting her iris'. Why was she getting forced into a marriage? Oh! That was why... Her parents decided a treaty was in order for both of the banshees lands and she was the treat; the bribe. Her hopes and dreams for falling in actual love were squashed and destroyed when she was told of her fate. Even Birdita, her youngest still retained her dreams and wishes. From all the books of reading about royal families and the arranged marriages they were forced into, never once did she think or even remotely consider that she would obtain the same fate.

Reamus took Lucca's hand brashly and kissed it. She jolted a bit from the sudden shock. Out of the corner of her eye she could see her parents watching her. Her heart wanted to end its life in the fiery acid of her stomach. He gently caressed her forearm and her hand. It almost seemed as if he was breathing in the scent of her hand and her perfume. She felt like vomiting. His dark eyes after kissing it went a glow to a deep red and held her hand in mid air for a bit before she slowly took it back. His eyes were still piercing through her own. There was a moment where she actually felt like she would faint.

"It is a pleasure, my dear, to make your acquaintance." Reamus spoke in his thick accent.

Lucca stared at him for a moment. She bit her tongue so that she wouldn't be saying anything she shouldn't have. "Indeed." She said plainly. Everyone stared at her then without prompting her mother broke silence, "Well then why don't we all get acquainted in the office shall we?"

Lucca snorted, "I think I shall pass."

Her mother gave her a look that would kill. "Lucca..." She uttered.

"No mother I wanted to talk to Birdie and then go to bed. It will be a long day tomorrow and I want my rest for the wedding." She plainly said.

"Oh! Well then that is fine dear we will talk later." They all turned down the hall, but Reamus looked back at Lucca with his glowing red eyes. Lucca froze and stared at him. She kept all thoughts from entering her mind as she stood there. She didn't want anyone knowing what she had planned. Anyone would have to be an idiot if they knew she didn't want this to happen. Her body language told all. Her eyes broke his gaze and went straight for Birdies room.

* * *

"Are you sure?" Birdie said calmly.

Lucca quelled tears, "I am positive. Running is the only way."

Birdita stretched her tanned arms from her body and sighed. "I will miss you..." she said sadly.

Lucca quickly pulled her little sister into her arms. Lone tears began to fall from her clenched lids. "I will miss you most of all Birdie" she breathed into her ear.

"Lucca..." she began. "Promise me you will find adventure and most of all love."

Lucca stopped and pulled away slowly. "Adventure and love?"

"Yes!" She giggled. "If your running away you better create a better and more exciting new life for yourself!"

Lucca smiled and laughed. "I shall try." Her hand gently wiped the tears from her sisters face and slowly moved her way out the door. Her body shook as she shut it and leaned up against the door. The adventure was only the beginning. Her eyes glossed over thinking about true love. It was a possibility, but it wasn't a priority. That would have to come in time.

The Beginning: Tormoil

If her wings were clipped this would be what it would feel like; entrapment, forced servitude; tied down; removal of freedom. This was no way to live. One should have the ability to spread her wings, fly wherever the wind would take her. The gusts of air flitting and lifting her soul and spirit just by grazing her feathers with the sun and sky. Only danger loomed in the near distance; the future. There before her stood her mother and father holding the golden shears of an arranged bond that threatened to cut her wings. She would not have it. The memories were still so fresh in her mind it kept repeating in her head over and over like a broken music box.

Her bright blue orbs stared out into the distance. The calm silence of the graveyard brought peace to her when her thoughts got a wry, but this moment in time forgetting what had just happened wasn't being quenched by her savior. What was she to tell her best friend? What was he to think?

The soft rustle of the trees branches billowed about her grazing her soft porcelain cheeks with the cold snow flakes flying from their perch. The cold icicles from some of the branches broke off and hit the ground as she stood there. It was another typical day in Rerdanthis. Snow...snow...snow. It never melted. It never left. Having a graveyard in a constant state of ice was a talent within itself, but it was done. The fur lining of her hood billowed in the breeze and she suddenly felt a presence, the presence no one else saw but her. Out of the corner of her eye she saw him.

His grey toned skin and lithe and tall body stood statuesque amongst the snow. His blackened clothing lay stark amongst the white of the snow. His silvery locks of hair, short and shaggy covered one side of his face. The rest revealed his tattoos and his bright purple glowing eyes. As usual he didn't have a coat on. The mere glimpse of the sun catching his back revealed wings, but they soon disappeared as he moved. He always seemed to have enough energy to traipse wearing barely anything. Even she didn't stand out in the mass of white surrounding her besides her tanned skin and her bright blue pupiless eyes. She turned to him and rather then her typical greeting and smile, she just looked at him forlorn.

"That face doesn't look like the one I normally get Pucca."

She pursed her lips and sighed sagging her head downward. She muttered, "That's because I have bad news."

He moved towards her concerned. "That's... rare..." he said jokingly. "You usually smile despite complaining of your place."

"I am quite serious about this one this time. I assure you this is something I cannot smile or shrug off as I have done before.

"Tell me." He said sternly.

* * *

After the long drown out explanation he merely stared off into the distance at the rolling clouds and mist about the gravestones before them. Lucca turned her head to him watching his expression as he finally looked to her.

She remained quiet but he suddenly pursed his lips and took her hand gently in his before pulling her quickly into his grasp. Lucca gasped and began to blush heavily before returning the embrace. Her head leaned against his shoulder before tears swelled in her eyes. He looks out into the distance, firm and quiet. The energy about him felt like a swarm of electricity. His grasp tightened before whispering lightly in her elegant long ears, "Run."