Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Lucca and Peavie Meet

Disclaimer: This is still in edit mode and I am stilllllll trying to write more! I thought it would be fun to share this with everyone so that they can see what is up between these two!

Days pass one after the other. She had met a few people of crossroads but found her self still far to shy and distressed to connect further with anyone else. She was shy... nervous even. The blond named Aliantha would gaze at her, eyeing her curves and body movements here and there. She only went there for a little while into the tavern, to draw, sketch, eat, and then it was off to explore and back to the inn to sleep. There was no escaping her gaze in the tavern, never. As she finished a sketch, she sighed a bit blushing and set the till for her soup and tea on the counter before venturing off. She left with no words. The eyes… were still all upon her.

Her legs brushed up against the fabric and lace of her skirts as she briskly continued down the stone path past rows and rows of stone buildings. As she traveled along, she came across beautiful greenery, trees and plants that blossomed; the land beyond the city of crossroads. What it was called, she didn't know. All she knew was if felt of magic, felt safe, and welcoming. Hours and hours passed and she didn’t realize the time. Frantic and tired, her heart lurched in agony at leaving the area when it was time to rest to go back to the daunting inn. Even just as she was leaving she saw the graveyard. Cemeteries continued to be a place of inspiration and calm for her. Perhaps it was because she spoke with the dead that stayed behind, or perhaps she got the most peace she ever did when she lived in the palace.

She sighed as she began to get off the stone seat she was sitting upon and began moving back to town, back to the daunting inn. It was a horrendous place. It barely had people residing there. From time to time she would hear screams or muffled cries for help as she lay there in her own bed. The bed was stiff and just as brooding as the room itself. Despite the cries for help she never once got up out of her bed to investigate or to help.

As she moved to the wood bridge on the dock the hair on the back of her neck began to stand on end. There was a horrendous feeling behind her, a feeling of eyes watching her from behind. Quickly she whirled around and saw absolutely nothing. A cold breeze sent chills up her satin gown and blew her blond silvery locks about her shoulders. Quickly her hand shot up to adjust her monocle. Her eyes scanned the trees, shadows, and whatever was in between; still nothing. Fearful for her safety she moved quickly to town for the need of being surrounded by others. Still in a shy state she wandered to the tavern and walked briskly past the door to the seats by the water. There were people inside, and Aliantha. There was no way she wanted to be approached and stared at again. She just wanted to be alone. It was better this way since she can keep an eye on herself and if something bad did happen, they would hear her scream. Despite being tired, she just didn’t want to venture back inside the Inn. She didn’t feel tired enough to fall fast asleep before hearing the sounds the place made. With a shuffle, she slowly sat against the metal grated seat that faced the water.

The ripples of blue swirled and tossed against the sides of the stone walls made for the man made waterways. A few stray green leaves flitted to the water and cascaded down the waterway slowly and delicately. Her eyes watched them as they disappeared into the shadows, never to be seen again. Perhaps that is what she did to herself. She rescued herself from a hell of a life and ran to the shadows. Perhaps only literally; the townspeople talked a lot about the place being cursed in darkness, never once seeing the sun. She wondered why town was that way, but she didn’t dwell on it. She did notice that morning would come about and darkness would still sit in the sky. She was starting to miss the sun. In the shadows, however, she could hide forever. Granted she could hide as long as they didn’t come after her.

By the water she did not dare venture any closer, she just sat there. There was the fear of falling in and drowning loomed. Angrily she shifted on the iron seat; angry with herself for not knowing how to swim, and angry for not being able to stick up for herself against the dangers that would follow her. Weakness, fear, and the lack of knowledge plagued her making things harder and harder for her to travel on her own. She was also angry with the fact that she was far too shy to speak to anyone. Being new was horrible and suffocating. Her corset cinched against her chest constricting her breath. She didn’t realize she had held her breath as she sat there. Gasping she collected herself and slumped against the metal seat more, her head draping against the back of the bench. The trees leaves rustled against one another

As she sat there she had the feeling of being watched again. Nervously her hands began to ring through her dress trying to see whatever it was that was watching her out of the corner of her eyes. Nothing was seemingly there. Frantic and distressed she shot up. Had they come for her already? How had they found her so fast? Quickly she jolted upward and promptly felt her body ram into someone. A squeak escaped her lips and looked up with wide and fearful eyes only to see amber orbs and semi unkempt auburn brown hair attached to an unfamiliar face looking down at her with no expression at all. Lucca stammered a few times before the brown haired individual smiled, easing a bit of her fears.

A gruff strong and prominent voice called out to her, "You okay?"

Her heart beat in her chest over and over again, a pounding sensation pulsing through all of her veins. She stammered again gazing into the strangers eyes. Finally she was able to utter outward to her, “I Uh… yes… Yes I am okay…”

The stranger smiled back at her wider, the eyes glimmering in the moonlight, almost glowing. The prominent voice came out at her again, “Good. You… look new. I haven’t seen you before in town. When did you arrive?”

Lucca looked up a bit taken back and then continued, “I arrived only the other day. “I just haven’t met anyone yet really. No one has been very friendly and the place isn’t exactly very cheerful.” Her eyes looked downward remembering getting off the boat. It was dark and forlorn, like she was a shining beacon trying to shine brightly in the darkness that resided there. Then she had to hide off into the shadows to protect her self. Slowly day by day… her light began to fade. If only she knew… others saw her light even when she didn’t.

“Ah! So you are new! Welcome to Crossroads….er… I am Peavie. And you are?”

Lucca looked up quickly, the cheerful disposition from the stranger throwing her off guard. “I Uh… Oh! Um… I am Lucca. Nice to meet you.” She said finally smiling.

The individual smiled broader. “Nice to make your acquaintance as well, Miss Lucca.”

Lucca laughed a little. “You know sir; I am not used to being addressed in such a way.”

Peavie chuckled and crossed their arms across their chest. “You aren’t used to being addressed as the lady that you are?”

“Well no. As I said…No one has been very nice to me.” She said leaning against the stone railing. Peavie’s eyes began to waver, following her curves, eying her breasts, imagining her legs underneath the satin skirts. Slowly the smile grew more devious as the eyes began memorizing her body. Lucca noticed the silence and looked over quickly noticing the gaze on her bustle. Her eyes twinkled slightly and shifted snapping the attention of Peavie. Peavie stammered quickly coughing and trying to cover their meandering eyes, “I uh… was admiring the details of the motifs in the textiles of your skirts. The bustle is… very pretty, especially the intricacies of the lace and ruffles.”

Peavie’s hand reached over and trailed the soft fabric against her bustle, nearing Lucca’s bottom. Lucca held her breath slightly and looked down at Peavie’s hand. Their gazes met and Peavie happened to move closer to her. Lucca’s breath became slow and her heart began to beat hard in her chest as Peavie’s body brushed up against hers.

‘I Uh…” Lucca breathed softly.

Peavie smiled down at her. Lucca adjusted her monocle and felt her cheeks go red and her heart rush even faster. “Dear me… I called you sir…you’re very much a MISS!” She gasped.

Peavie smiled and chuckled lightly leaning against the railing nonchalantly, her hip brushing up against Lucca’s skirts. “I am mistaken for a man quite often Lucca, it doesn’t bother me.” Her eyes twinkled back at Lucca as she looked to her.

Lucca began to trail her eyes along Peavie’s body watching her leather clad curves. Her heeled boots clacking here and there as she shifted. Peavie noticed her looking, but didn’t say anything. If anything everyone looked at her that way. She couldn’t deny that she was amazingly hot and attractive. Peavie had every girl who liked women swooning over her. She was indeed considered the “ladies man.” The men in town hated her for it. Having Lucca eye her body this way only fueled Peavie’s desire to pursue this one standing next to her. She chuckled softly pushing the back of her leather jacket behind her hips trying to give her more of a show of her body. As expected, Lucca’s eyes began to stare at her hips, her mouth agape in a bit of shock. Peavie smiled and began to undress Lucca with her eyes as she spoke. “So Miss, what brings you to Crossroads?”

Luca looked upward and locked her gaze back with Peavie’s amorous brown orbs. Softly she spoke after collecting herself, “I ran away from home. I managed to hide on a ship that was on its way here, and that is how I ended up in this town. I guess I can move on to other places… I can only assume we are in Europe. I just don’t know enough about the world outside of where I lived to get an idea of where to go, or what to do.” Lucca’s eyes tore away and began to watch the water billow down the stream. “I just don’t know where life will take me right now. I guess I am just… living. I have the freedom to do anything.”

Peavie listened to her quietly and began to ponder why exactly she ran away from home. She mentioned freedom. A girl of her stature surely had more freedom than most of the people in town had. What could possibly be in her way of living? Peavie wanted to ask her more questions, but she could tell the girl was tired, her aura and her eyes were telling her so.

“Lucca? Are you staying in the Inn?” Peavie asked.

“Yes I am. Why do you ask?”

“Do you think its safe there?”

“Well… No.” Lucca replied plainly, hiding her concern for the place.

Peavie watched her carefully, reading her thoughts without her knowing. Apparently Lucca was afraid to go back and wasn’t sleeping at night. She was forcing herself from actually sleeping out of fear. Peavie had a sense of worry now. Lucca was new, and she had a sense of naïveté. She didn’t seem to look like she knew what she was doing. There was a loss in her eyes, fear, worry, and so much more. Peavie…wanted to help her in some way. Someone as beautiful as she was would surely be targets for many people in town. Perhaps Lucca would need to worry about her more than anything.

Peavie shifted and moved up closer to Lucca and slowly loomed and hovered over her. Lucca gasped a little and twisted so that her back was to the railing and pressing up against it uncomfortably. Peavie looked down at her with a basic starry eyed look, gazing into her eyes. Panic arose in Lucca and she whimpered a little unsure of Peavie’s intentions, “Wha-What are you doing?”

Peavie’s face inched towards Lucca’s face till she was mere inches away from her. Lucca swooned slightly smelling the soft feminine cologne against her skin. Lucca’s eyes shot up and locked with Peavie’s. Her eyes were glowing as she moved closer and closer. She felt Peavie press up against her and her heart began to pulse; the blood pumping in her veins. There was a rhythmic pulse in her body; the sounds around her faded to nothing except the thumping of the blood rushing into her ears and the sound of her breathing. Her mind started to race with fear and intrigue all at once. What was she to do now?

Peavie’s leather clad body pressed up against Lucca’s and she had a hard time keeping herself in control. Her senses were on fire, and Lucca’s scent was just so appetizing. She smelled of sweet Sakura blossoms. Peavie began to salivate secretly but didn’t do anything about it, fighting her urge to feed. There was something else keeping her back too. Something told her in time she would have a taste. Peavie growled a little as if she was on the prowl. She smiled as her hands slowly began to wrap around Lucca’s waist and keep her steady.

“Please…don’t…. I…” Lucca shook and stammered.

Peavie froze a second hearing her plea. She blinked a few times trying to understand what Lucca was trying to say in reaction. A chuckle escaped her lips when she discovered what she had done and what it was coming across to Lucca. “Forgive me…” Peavie breathed as she pulled away.

Lucca sighed in relief, but something wasn’t right. As Peavie pulled from her and turned the railing along the edge of the water broke and Lucca cried out feeling her fall backwards. Fear surged in her as she reached out to stop herself and the fear of drowning but failed. Peavie heard her cry out and quickly turned only to see Lucca fall backwards about to plummet into the water. Something told her that if she didn’t save her something bad would happen. With inhuman speed Peavie flashed to Lucca and quickly grabbed her and flickered back with Lucca in her arms. She landed with a thud with one knee on the ground holding her protectively. Peavie breathed in deeply looking at the broken railing and went to look back at Lucca only to find the blond haired girl clinging and shaking against her. Peavie smiled feeling her soft skin along her neck from Lucca holding on to her. Peavie tried to pull away from Lucca, but for some reason the girl just didn’t want to let go. Softly she chuckled and spoke into her elegant and long ears, “Lucca…Are you alright?”

Lucca pulled back slightly with her arms still wrapped around Peavie’s neck and looked up at her blushing. Peavie smiled looking into her beautiful eyes. Lucca couldn’t find the words to say as she looked at her. “Lucca?” Peavie repeated.

“I- Yes I am, thank you so much.” She breathed.

Peavie swooned a little smelling the strong hint of mint and sakura waft into her face. She blinked a few times before asking another question, “Why were you so afraid of falling anyways?” Peavie hadn’t read her mind as she was falling backwards; all that was on her mind was to save her.

Lucca looked away for a second and looked at the dismembered railing before looking back and replied, “I can’t swim. I would drown.”

Peavie’s heart sank as she looked at her. Her arms tightened around Lucca as she stood still cradling her in her arms. Lucca looked at Peavie and wondered if she was too heavy. “You can let me down now.” Her voice shook as she replied.

Peavie shook her head, “No…You are light as a feather. Besides… this town isn’t safe for someone of your stature.”

“What do you mean?” She asked worriedly as Peavie started to walk towards the beautiful green pastures she remembered seeing earlier. Lucca also noticed several women staring at Peavie with jealousy in their eyes. She even felt the gaze of Aliantha from the tavern as Peavie carried her past.

“You’re beautiful.” She said matter of fact. “Everyone would notice you easily and those with bad intentions would follow you wherever you went to get what they want out of you. It’s not a safe town here Miss Lucca. It’s full of darkness, vampires, even monsters and other creatures.”

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