Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Haunted Dolls

Its been a topic that has covered many many years by many many people. To own haunted dolls can be a blessing... or a curse depending on the spirit you may come in contact with.

My brother, Hunter, spent a good week or so here and after being introduced to Meguone's iphone ghost radar...the two of us just had to give it a try in my own home with the particular things that have happened to me, and occasionally him.

We know that whatever lies in my basement, it is indeed male, hes tall, and hes always interested in what we are doing. As thought... his favorite corner is Hunters corner, which used to be mine before I moved into the main basement room. Well...according to him he notices someone looking over his shoulder and it creeps him out sometimes. Who wouldn't get creeped out by someone staring at what your doing over your shoulder? Well he does this to me, and he does this to Brenna. There has also been times where I hear a music box playing, but I haven't hear that lately. He also likes the corner where my movies are.

According to the radar it picked up the entities.... not just one... but several... including my dolls.

No doubt in my mind I got something from Miss Sarah (her real name PROTECTED cause i lurb hers :) ) when i adopted two of her dollies. My other dolls, however, have taken on their own spirits and personalities, and I very much believe they have souls.

I think dolls have always had souls and i think their owners will definitely contribute or destroy that soul. Certainly the creators give them a sense of physicality, but there is something added to them once the owner brings life to them. In some cases the doll doesn't end up being what they expected either, perhaps taking on someone completely new or different then what they intended to be. That has certainly happened to me. I am sure it has happened to others who made plans for a doll and they ended up changing over time.

The biggest link I have to one of my dolls has been Lucca, a limited 30 Dollzone Isabel. The minute I saw the sculpt I needed her. Not want, needed. There was something in the universe calling out to me. I even texted poor Sarah at 3 am in the morning with all my glee and fear of not reserving her in time. I mean come on.... 30. in the WHOLE world. You know how popular Dollzone is? yah. Luckily for me and a very tired RAWR sarah at DDE i was able to get my sweet Lucca along with Paula of awesome, the owner of the store. I was the first to put in my layaway order. When the time came to pick her up, Meguone and I had planned a nice DDE doll meet that turned out to be bigger then we expected. We were just expecting a few people... nope... LOTS came. hehh ^^; This plan to meet up with one another was to get new dollie things and of course to get my Lucca. Opening her up was amazing. I was absolutely ecstatic and she just stuck. There was worry in me that she might change, but the connection she and I had just grew more and more. And to think... the creation of Lucca started from the inspiration of Lady Gaga.

Lucca has become a link to me, much like Jamie, my muse, has become. Shes a side of me. Lucca has pretty much become my vision of myself in doll form. My lover, Trisha, her character has taken form as a doll as well. Lucca and Peavie... they rarely ever let themselves go. When my plan to have Lucca with a male elf a friend and I created as part of a story; things totally changed. Lucca did NOT like any of my male dolls. Infact she kneed Kanoa, shoved Ardus (who was once Zalta and is still... continuing to have multiple personality syndrome), and pretty much kept herself clear of any male in my dolly family. When Peavie came into the picture Lucca never wanted to let go.

My heart never ever wants to let go of Trisha either.

Well... Now that I ranted FOREVER.... Haunted dolls... yeh. Mine are definitely something. If the radar is picking up something in them, there has to be something there right? Of course the radar could not be functioning properly but it does do things that are heavily interesting and surprising to say the least. The fact that it has words that pop up when it detects something is crazy. And it said a word "personal" when i got the radar close to Peavie and Lucca. That... was interesting.

If you have an ipod touch or I phone... give it a try and buy the application. There are free versions of it as well though in the itunes App store.

Now that i just watched a weird ass movie on Syfy... Called Perkins 14.... I am gonna go get my ass to bed. @_@ That was just weird.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Needing Time for my Dollies...

My blog.... is NOW designed the way I want it to be. Its simple... and it looks nice. I love my logo. I also redid my logo for Jalapeno Sweets. It was time for a change, ya know.

Money is exceptionally tight right now and finding a job hasn't been easy either. I do have an interview for Macy's, but I am REALLY not looking forward to working in that hell hole, but... if I get hired... I need the money. I get frazzled easy so I don't know what else to do. Im at my wits end and want to make money ya know? I also have a meeting tomorrow with a guy who does work from home sort of sales business. I am not so sure I want to do that either. What I do want... is to work at Aaron brothers. Something about working there just seems right. Its small staffed, no sales pressure, it just seems right. I am going to go in tomorrow after a meeting tomorrow. I'm telling the guy that I need to get back to him on this sales business thing, but since its all commission based I just don't think it is stable enough. Its heavily informal and way too sudden. It doesn't feel right in my bones.

I am going to offer digital services online through DOA for doll owners, however. I think people who have dolls need to have the logos and design to represent their stories and photos, or representation for themselves. I want it to be affordable too. I am going to get that up and going tonight. Since Feedblitz takes a while to update posts for people... this post was posted on June 10, 2010.

My arms hurt like helllll. I helped grandpa and Hunter carry up the old 1988 Big screen to upgrade my tv into a high Def one. OMG it was HEAVYYYY. I did not enjoy that one bit. Afterwards my arms were jello and waking today they were stiff and hurt. I could barely take a shower to scrub my scalp. It hurt so bad to raise my arms above my head.

Im going through my new channels on my box and I have this channel called Disney XD. They are playing Naruto Shippuden. Wtf. O_O Since when does Disney play Anime. Man I love the series though. I effing love Anime... especially ninjas... and um... I have an obsession with Naruto. >.> I CAN'T HELP IT!

Anyways... NOW i need to edit My Jalapeno Sweets Blog and add some more stuff to this one. I want to Add facebook updates somehow. We will see how that goes.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Doll Updates and Second Life Drama

DISCLAIMER: Do not read on if you are offended by cussing and bad words. IF you can handle it read on!

A lot of things have been going on and Im dead tired and going to take a nap. I thought my sleep schedule got all worked out, but it didn't last long.

Amongst dollieness I am an avid player of Second Life. Its like dressing digital dolls. Well... apparently the RP sim that I am apart of (Crossroads) have screwed my girlfriends best friend over and used me in the process. Not to mention her boyfriend also caused a good bit of shit too. Today was the last straw with everyone continually trying to bring it up when im just trying to enjoy my time AWAY from the sim and build my clothing. Well for fuck sake... I couldn't take it anymore. I snapped. Luv, PV's friend, was the one who got screwed over and everytime it came up no one ever brought up Luv like she didnt mean anything and that pissed me off. I finally just had it snapped with Sy and Drahana and said what about LUV? Luv owns everything. She is the leader of the Tremere. She owned Gothika and Beluved keep. They didn't even seem to fucking care. They didnt give a flying fuck about her. I was like wtf... I talked to Luv today wanting to know if she was going to go back to crossroads. She said she doesnt see herself going back there. I don't want to go back either and the only reason I stuck around... was for PV. I stayed for her. I dealt with the drama... dealt with the shitty ass rps that were there that made absolutely no sense. Its like a beginners RP sim. Nothing matters. Nothing is dark. Everyone whines. On top of that Guin was feigning ignorance and acting innocent like she didnt do shit. She acted like PV and Luv didnt bitch her out on Skype. Im sorry. I trust my girlfriend. She wont lie to me. I wont lie to her. Honesty is the best answer. Pitting others against one another for the sake of your own damn benefit is low and sick and just absolutely immature. Last damn straw. I am sure my girlfriend PV is going to be pissed... but I am not going to suffer and not build and enjoy myself on SL. I want to have fun. I want to enjoy myself. I dont want to sit there and play Perfect world the whole time. Its boring me. Like BADLY. She will be angry im sure for a long time... but you know this is my choice. There were many times I ignored them and they didn't continue to badger. Im done with that place. I don't want to go back. I am not going to be there and be unhappy. I don't know how many times to said to those trying to get answers from me that I was done talking about this and people kept bugging me. PV is so good at just not letting questions or anything get to her when she doesnt want to talk. Me? I am not so good at it. I tried. Drah and Sy didnt cause anything... but their lack of respect of Luv is like disrespecting PV. Guin and Rave? Oh ho ho.... They pulled the guilt trip of Wahhhh QQ im leaving SL im leaving XR. Im sitting there like. Dude... I dont fucking care. Im leaving. Have your shitty ass built sim. I don't want it. The badgering and pressure gets to me and I just cant take it anymore. Im done with the drama.

Now that i got that off my chest... and im sure im gonna have to explain myself later to PV.

As far as dollies.... Ive been writing more to the Peavie and Lucca chronicals... as well as taking pictures of the story with the characters. I need more spray for faceups. Yes I use Krylon Matte finish 1311. It actually works really well. Everyone gets emo about the acetone stuff... i looked up MR super clear... its got the same amount as Krylon and testors. Its not a big deal and people have used it before with no sideaffects. Now that im REALLLLLY tired now... I am going to put myself to bed for a nap and get up around the evening. I think im going to take two of my sleeping pills and go to bed early tonight rather than stay up. I want to be up in time for the anniversary tomorrow granted my Lover wont be mad at me for leaving. I just.... couldnt do it anymore... I should be happy to go on that game and enjoy myself... not getting stressed.

Anyways. Love you guys who actually read this... which is like what... one? LOL :)

<3 Sama