Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Haunted Dolls

Its been a topic that has covered many many years by many many people. To own haunted dolls can be a blessing... or a curse depending on the spirit you may come in contact with.

My brother, Hunter, spent a good week or so here and after being introduced to Meguone's iphone ghost radar...the two of us just had to give it a try in my own home with the particular things that have happened to me, and occasionally him.

We know that whatever lies in my basement, it is indeed male, hes tall, and hes always interested in what we are doing. As thought... his favorite corner is Hunters corner, which used to be mine before I moved into the main basement room. Well...according to him he notices someone looking over his shoulder and it creeps him out sometimes. Who wouldn't get creeped out by someone staring at what your doing over your shoulder? Well he does this to me, and he does this to Brenna. There has also been times where I hear a music box playing, but I haven't hear that lately. He also likes the corner where my movies are.

According to the radar it picked up the entities.... not just one... but several... including my dolls.

No doubt in my mind I got something from Miss Sarah (her real name PROTECTED cause i lurb hers :) ) when i adopted two of her dollies. My other dolls, however, have taken on their own spirits and personalities, and I very much believe they have souls.

I think dolls have always had souls and i think their owners will definitely contribute or destroy that soul. Certainly the creators give them a sense of physicality, but there is something added to them once the owner brings life to them. In some cases the doll doesn't end up being what they expected either, perhaps taking on someone completely new or different then what they intended to be. That has certainly happened to me. I am sure it has happened to others who made plans for a doll and they ended up changing over time.

The biggest link I have to one of my dolls has been Lucca, a limited 30 Dollzone Isabel. The minute I saw the sculpt I needed her. Not want, needed. There was something in the universe calling out to me. I even texted poor Sarah at 3 am in the morning with all my glee and fear of not reserving her in time. I mean come on.... 30. in the WHOLE world. You know how popular Dollzone is? yah. Luckily for me and a very tired RAWR sarah at DDE i was able to get my sweet Lucca along with Paula of awesome, the owner of the store. I was the first to put in my layaway order. When the time came to pick her up, Meguone and I had planned a nice DDE doll meet that turned out to be bigger then we expected. We were just expecting a few people... nope... LOTS came. hehh ^^; This plan to meet up with one another was to get new dollie things and of course to get my Lucca. Opening her up was amazing. I was absolutely ecstatic and she just stuck. There was worry in me that she might change, but the connection she and I had just grew more and more. And to think... the creation of Lucca started from the inspiration of Lady Gaga.

Lucca has become a link to me, much like Jamie, my muse, has become. Shes a side of me. Lucca has pretty much become my vision of myself in doll form. My lover, Trisha, her character has taken form as a doll as well. Lucca and Peavie... they rarely ever let themselves go. When my plan to have Lucca with a male elf a friend and I created as part of a story; things totally changed. Lucca did NOT like any of my male dolls. Infact she kneed Kanoa, shoved Ardus (who was once Zalta and is still... continuing to have multiple personality syndrome), and pretty much kept herself clear of any male in my dolly family. When Peavie came into the picture Lucca never wanted to let go.

My heart never ever wants to let go of Trisha either.

Well... Now that I ranted FOREVER.... Haunted dolls... yeh. Mine are definitely something. If the radar is picking up something in them, there has to be something there right? Of course the radar could not be functioning properly but it does do things that are heavily interesting and surprising to say the least. The fact that it has words that pop up when it detects something is crazy. And it said a word "personal" when i got the radar close to Peavie and Lucca. That... was interesting.

If you have an ipod touch or I phone... give it a try and buy the application. There are free versions of it as well though in the itunes App store.

Now that i just watched a weird ass movie on Syfy... Called Perkins 14.... I am gonna go get my ass to bed. @_@ That was just weird.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

FAntastic post ;) I'm with you the Ghost RAdar is a hoot, and I know my dollies have souls :)